Topic : Be a committed witness of Christ . Part 1. Text : John 1:35 – 45 Key verse : 35-37
Again, the next day, John stood with two of his disciples. And looking at Jesus as He walked, he said, “Behold the Lamb of God!”
The two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus.
Being a committed witness of Christ is to be obligated , faithful and consistent in telling others what you know about the Lord Jesus and have experienced in your walk with Him since you gave your life to Him as your Lord and savior and this you do in words and in action.
In our text John the Baptist witnesses to the fact that Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, when he said it the first time people there heard but no one followed Jesus .
The next day he also witnessed probably to the same persons or a different one, but what was significant is that he was not disappointed or discouraged by the opposition or the unyielding attitude of his hearers , what was important to him is obeying the commandments of God to testify to the truth knowing the Holy Spirit will do the work of salvation in their heart and they will surrender their to Christ.
The next day as he witnessed, those ordained to be saved heard the good news and followed Jesus immediately.
Beloved witnessing for the kingdom needs courage, enthusiasm, determination and patience to be a consistent soul winner , above all it is important to know soul winning is a spiritual warfare so , prayers and fasting is required for sinners and backsliders, so that the enemy of our souls, who have held them in captivity will loose his hold and power over their hearts and minds as the power of God prevails satan bows and let them go and they will surrender their lives to the Lord.
Are you discouraged as a witness ? Arise and shine kings and queens are coming to the brightness of your rising glory be God.